Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Missing Sister??

What an eventful night... It is now 12:03am and Emily has been found!
OK, so she is a grown adult and is very capable of taking care of herself. But, tonight around 10:00pm we realized that no one had heard from her since early afternoon. Mom and Dad call to check in regularly and couldn't get in touch tonight. Thus a series of phone calls, text messages, e-mails and calls to her friends. Still no Emily! Maybe we watch too much FOX News, but panic struck. Where is Emily? Finally, we remember that Cousin Clair lives relatively close by. We call ( almost 11:00 pm and get her out of bed) and ask her if she has talked to Emily tonight. She says no and kindly offers to drive across town (at least 20 minutes) to check on Emily. Clair arrives and Emily's car is there, but still no Emily! So the knocking begins. After almost 30 minutes of knocking and yelling to identify herself (so Emily wouldn't be scared to open the door), Cousin Clair calls back and says, still no Emily. Next step, call apartment complex, have them page maintenance. The maintenance man will have to go the complex office to get a key, then over to her apartment to check on her. It is now midnight and we are certain Emily has been kidnapped. Cousin Clair returns to the door to start pounding again. Emily finally opens the door, very ANGRY, slightly confused and wants to know why Clair is visiting her at midnight. Phone calls begin again. Emily calls the parents to let them know she is alive and well. We quickly call to try to catch the maintenance man, before he ventures over to her apartment (we did catch him in time, thank goodness).

Emily is A OK, Daddy can finally sleep, Clair made it back to her home safely and we can finally get back to work. Enough excitement for tonight... No more FOX News missing women stories for a while.

Emily, we are glad you are safe! Go back to sleep. Don't forget to call and check in. We WILL track you down!


Anonymous said...
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Emily said...

This is Emily...aka Missing Sister. You all may read this and find it really funny, but I assure you it was not. NOT FUNNY AT ALL! And those of you who think no one would actually wake up someone else to go find the sister that is "missing" or sleeping as the case may be you would be wrong, because this is indeed the second time they have sent someone to my place (last time the cops) to make sure I was alive. So yes, entertaining story, not so much fun for me!!!